Breathe. Create space. Expand awareness. Cultivate joy and curiosity.

Hello, I’m Colleen,
I am so happy you are here because I truly believe you deserve to be happy, and taking subtle shifts in your mind, body and dwellings can get you there. Supporting people in their journey of living a harmonious and balanced life is my passion.
As a certified Chopra Integrative Life Coach, Ayurveda Health and Mindfulness Mentor, and Yoga Instructor, I truly believe everyone deserves to feel their best, to know what works best for their unique spaces and to have a wellness “tool kit”.
When we work together I meet you where you are today in your wellness journey, and then we begin co-creating your tools, practices and subtle shifts that empower impactful and sustainable transformations.
Yes you can shift unhealthy patterns and untangle limiting beliefs to build a life that excites you! Together with curiosity, and a holistic, non-judgmental approach you will create the life you deserve.
I’m here to help. I work with my clients as a guide and a coach, supporting their journey toward wholeness and an overall healthier life. It’s time for you to make real lifestyle shifts so you can fall in love with the life you’ve created.
Let’s find your “Aha!” insights together.

Every Wednesday
Creating Your Sacred Space Group Coaching!
Every Wednesday from 1-2 PM EDT, I will share and guide mindfulness, community, and discussion to support you in creating your unique sacred spaces. Exploring and cultivating spaces you can evolve as you evolve, empowering you to live your best life.
Topics may include: clearing spaces, nature, senses, alters, self-care, energy, taking your sacred space with you, medicine bags, making it a lifestyle… and who knows what else will come up as we co-create!
Perfect Health Ayurveda Course
Are you ready to cultivate balance in your life and develop personalized practices and routines that support your unique needs?
Join me for my Perfect Health Ayurveda course. We will meet online for five consecutive Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET. These sessions are interactive and engaging – you will want to have your notebooks and pens ready!
April 4-April 8, 2023
Spring Writer’s Retreat
Join us at the world-renowned Mago Retreat center in magical Sedona, Arizona for a healing retreat specifically designed for writers who seek to write, speak, and share words that heal the world.